Are you ready to really take care of yourself: inside and outside?
I would love to help you live the best version of yourself.

Healthy lifestyle is more than diet and exercise. It starts from inside! Here you will find amazing tools to help you with your different life goals. It is time to change and crave those things that really make you feel GOOD!

Make your health -mind and body- a priority today. You deserve self-care!

“Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin, as self-neglecting.”

- Shakespeare, Dauphin in Henry V

Hi, I’m Aline!

In 2014 I looked myself in the mirror and I felt super uncomfortable in my own body. Not only because I was overweight, but I was feeling tired all the time. I wanted to spend high quality time with my kids, but I had no energy. Super low self esteem, feeling bloated and tired all the time, and not living up to my full potential.

Everything changed when I decided to change my lifestyle. Dropping old habits and starting new ones is never easy. But totally worth it when you do it from a place of self love and care.

Healthy lifestyle is not only about looks, but it is especially about nourishing your body and mind and feeling great in your own skin.

Don’t postpone this type of self love! Enjoy your life with a healthy body and a healthy mind. 

1:1 Wellness Coaching


Everyone is different! Find out why all the "diets" you have tried until now failed. Understand how your body works and what it needs. So you achieve your goals prioritizing your health (mind and body).



Programa de emagrecimento e hábitos saudáveis para mães. Adapte um estilo de vida saudável à sua rotina corrida! (4 semanas)

The Happy Gut Program



During 21 days you learn how to nourish your body, get rid of digestive symptoms, have more energy, sleep better, lose body fat, and find out if you are intolerant to any food group.